There are many classes and courses available in English for you and your baby in Berlin. Our intrepid babymummy, blogger and maternity concierge, Lorna has tried some of them out and will be writing a review every week just for you. This week…..

Baby Massage in English

Whilst pregnant with Lewis, I was already collecting flyers and leaflets for classes that I could do with him, in particular classes in English, where I could meet and exchange with other English-speaking parents. One of these flyers was for baby massage with Ania Witkowska.

Funnily enough, Ania posted a class on one of the expat Facebook groups I use at just the right time for me and it turns out that a new friend of mine, whose daughter was born in the same hospital the day before Lewis would be hosting the class in her home.

Ania, an experienced somatic movement therapist has a very good rap among the expat community so I was my expectations of the class were already rather high. In short, I was not disappointed and neither was Lewis!

The class started with a lovely self-awareness exercise for the massagers: Accompanied by some relaxing music, with eyes closed, we worked on ourselves, feeling our bodies and relaxing them, all the different parts in turn and ending with our fingers.

Feeling all relaxed, it was time to work on the babies. Nappies on loosely for the boys, in case of a projectile pee, we were taught various massage strokes, demonstrated lovingly by Ania (on a teddy). She told us the names of specific strokes and carefully explained their purpose, followed by plenty of time to practise on our babies, most of whom were gurgling away happily.

There was even time for some chit-chat and one or two tips from Ania’s long years of experience in working with babies and as a mother herself.

All-in-all, Lewis and I enjoyed baby massage thoroughly, though it’s definitely something you need to do within the first five months of baby’s life, before they begin to enjoy rolling their way around the room!

For more information or to find a baby massage class in your area, contact Lorna. You can find out more about Ania Witkowska here

There are many classes and courses available in English for you and your baby in Berlin. Our intrepid babymummy, blogger and maternity concierge, Lorna has tried some of them out and will be writing a review every week just for you. This week…..

Baby Massage in English

Whilst pregnant with Lewis, I was already collecting flyers and leaflets for classes that I could do with him, in particular classes in English, where I could meet and exchange with other English-speaking parents. One of these flyers was for baby massage with Ania Witkowska.

Funnily enough, Ania posted a class on one of the expat Facebook groups I use at just the right time for me and it turns out that a new friend of mine, whose daughter was born in the same hospital the day before Lewis would be hosting the class in her home.

Ania, an experienced somatic movement therapist has a very good rap among the expat community so I was my expectations of the class were already rather high. In short, I was not disappointed and neither was Lewis!

The class started with a lovely self-awareness exercise for the massagers: Accompanied by some relaxing music, with eyes closed, we worked on ourselves, feeling our bodies and relaxing them, all the different parts in turn and ending with our fingers.

Feeling all relaxed, it was time to work on the babies. Nappies on loosely for the boys, in case of a projectile pee, we were taught various massage strokes, demonstrated lovingly by Ania (on a teddy). She told us the names of specific strokes and carefully explained their purpose, followed by plenty of time to practise on our babies, most of whom were gurgling away happily.

There was even time for some chit-chat and one or two tips from Ania’s long years of experience in working with babies and as a mother herself.

All-in-all, Lewis and I enjoyed baby massage thoroughly, though it’s definitely something you need to do within the first five months of baby’s life, before they begin to enjoy rolling their way around the room!

For more information or to find a baby massage class in your area, contact Lorna. You can find out more about Ania Witkowska here