Maternita Services

To go through pregnancy and birth self-determined and strengthened into parenthood, we need to know what options we have and what paths we can take. In order for this to succeed in today’s jungle of offers, “maternita” maternity concierge and baby planner offers organizational advice, accompaniment and support for pregnancy and the first time with baby. With our service, we support families on their individual path to a life with a baby from the very beginning.

Whether it’s personal counseling, support services, or participation in our classes, we want to make it possible for all expectant parents to find information and relief in a variety of ways. Here you will find an overview of our services.

Organicing your pregnancy

You are pregnant and want to get all the important information about pregnancy, birth and the first time with baby? In our consultation packages we discuss your individual questions and guide you through your personal to-dos to prepare for your baby. You will receive all relevant information and checklists specific to your situation.

Elterngeld and Co

We are happy to advise on financial support for parents – from Elterngeld (parental allowance), Elternzeit (parental leave) and Kindergeld (child benefit) to Vaterschaftsanerkennung (paternity recognition) and Kitagutschein (daycare voucher). We also provide support in dealing with the authorities and with application documents.

Finding a Kita in Berlin

With MaternitaKITA we support you in your search for childcare and daycare centers in Berlin. Whether you are looking for a private or public daycare center or a childminder (not a private nanny), we support you in your search for a suitable care. Customers who have taken advantage of courses or consultations of the maternita portfolio during pregnancy will be given priority.


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