Welcome to Germany’s leading baby planners since 2012
To go through pregnancy and birth self-determined, as well as strengthened into parenthood, requires that we know what options we have and what paths we can take. In order for this to succeed in today’s jungle of offers, “maternita” maternity concierge and baby planner offers organizational advice, accompaniment and support for pregnancy and the first time with baby. With our service, we support families on their individual path to a life with a baby from the very beginning.
Known from
We offer you individual and neutral advice on all organizational topics related to pregnancy and baby time. We focus on your individual needs and your personal situation. Our range of services is adapted to your needs and budget in a free initial consultation.
Streaming Courses
We offer streaming workshops on various topics relevant to expecting parents. The streaming workshops provide an overview of relevant topics and serve as initial information and preparation. You can participate in our courses regardless of location and whenever your time allows.
Kita search
No Kita? No Panic! We are happy to support you in your search for a suitable public or private daycare center in Berlin. Since 2017, we have been supporting parents in their search for a Kita spot in Berlin and offer time relief and competent advice.